Apr 26, 2022

How to find other Caddycampers

You are mostly traveling alone or you just want to find other Caddycampers in your area ?

We have thought about how we can bring the community together and we finally found, that the best option for this seems to be postcode-based groups where you can exchange ideas, plan camping trips together or sell camping equipment more easily. 

So we decided to found postcode-based Telegram groups. We are aware, that this platform does not have the best reputation, but for our purpose it's the most suitable solution.
With Telegram, you do not have to reveal your phone number and only write under so-called nicknames. This way, the privacy of each individual is protected and you can connect without directly sharing your phone number with a large group. The app is available for cell phones, but can also be used on desktop. 

To hide your phone number, go to "Settings" - "Privacy and security" - "Phone number" - "Who can see my number".