Within only six weeks from the first idea to the actual implementation, we set up our first meet up: 18 people and 13 Caddies took part in the first Caddyroamers Meet Up in Hunsrück.
The three of us arrived at the campground in Kastellaun already on Friday evening, toasted excitedly to our first event and hoped for dry weather for the next two days. Unfortunately these hopes were not really fulfilled and we had to set everything up in the rain the next morning before the first participants arrived.
Around 12 o'clock we were complete and started with a small introduction round. The participants really came from all over Germany and we even had guests from Austria and Great Britain! We were a motley crew and everyone got along very well right away. The only catch: it rained and rained and rained. It just wouldn't stop and camping in the rain is just half the fun. Luckily the campground also had a small lounge that we could use to play some games and have a nice chat.
In the afternoon, we made a little lottery: We had four questions about the Caddy and the person with the most correct answers should win something very special: VW Nutzfahrzeuge invited us three and two more Caddycampers to spend a camping weekend in Poland this April and to visit the Caddy factory in Poznan! So we gave away one ticket for this at the last meeting - and another one will be raffled off on Instagram soon! :)
Around 4 pm the rain stopped and we started to prepare the barbecue together. Everybody had contributed something to the big barbecue buffet and there was really nothing missing! After everyone was sated, we all went on a little tour from Caddy to Caddy. Everybody briefly presented his or her conversion, explained what he or she had in mind and we all gathered a lot of inspiration and ideas about what we could adapt to our own interior designs.
Afterwards we let the evening end with a beer and a swedish fire and then we all crawled into our Caddies.
The next morning we had breakfast and dismantled the cars together, took some pictures and then the first ones started their way home. Some of them still had a quite long drive ahead of them. Most of the Caddycampers started a hike and so we went together to the nearby hanging rope bridge Geierlay. There we stopped for a picnic and split up - some of us went back the same way, others walked the larger route to the end.
All in all, it was a completely successful first meeting and we are still fascinated by how much our idea was accepted. It is really great to exchange ideas with like-minded people every day, to inspire and learn from each other.
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